Applications for Intercom Systems, Wireless Intercoms, and Two-Way Radios

Virginia Tech Held Liable for Not Using Emergency Notification System Quick Enough

Virginia Tech was found to be negligent in their failing to notify students quickly enough about the gunman who killed four students. The jury agreed with plaintiffs that the second set of students may not have died if campus officials had notified students quickly about the first two deaths.

Since this tragedy more college campuses have been installing emergency alert systems that quickly enable administrators to get the message out via email, text messages, or other means. Since most students carry cell phones these days, it is the primary means of alert.

College Campus Emergency NotificationOne problem with using cell phones is that students may have them turned off during class, or they may have them in silent mode.  This is where adding a public address system can fill in the gaps that other emergency notification systems leave.

The problem with a wired PA system is that the expense and mess that running wire everywhere requires, often prohibits them from being used. This is where a Wireless PA system fits nicely. A wireless PA system enables placing receivers and PA horns around the campus in strategic locations in a single day without the hassles of a wired system.


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