Applications for Intercom Systems, Wireless Intercoms, and Two-Way Radios

Power Plant Access Systems and Communication Devices

During the past five years, there have been significant communication system upgrades in thousands of power plants, as a result of increased number of on the job related accidents. In many countries around the world today including the United Kingdom and the United States, upgraded communication and security measures have taken place at major power plant facilities, as part of a plan to increase protection of plant equipment and staff.

The majority of these upgrades have centered on installing new internal intercom systems. In plant offices for example, new intercom systems have been installed in order to provide workers a more efficient and easier way to communicate with employees in other departments and in neighboring facilities.

Due to the dangerous level of work performed in power plants, it is very important that the intercom systems installed are highly reliable and durable. This includes intercom units that are able to withstand dangerous chemicals and excessive levels of heat. Many of the areas where these intercom systems are being installed are considered to be some of the most dangerous areas in the plant. For this reason, it is very important that the employees who work in these areas have an immediate and reliable way to communicate. This especially includes the employees who work directly in the central core of the plant’s main operating unit.

One of the intercom system used frequently in power generation plants today is the Two Door Access system. These types of system provide employees the ability to identity and confirm guests before they enter a department or building. This in turn also provides the plant an additional layer of security. The system is very easy to install and can be mounted on either a wall or desk. The price of most Two Door Access intercom systems generally ranges between three hundred and four hundred dollars. They also come with a full set of instructions, and in most cases an extended warranty.

In addition to using departmental intercom system, most power plants today also provide their employees with individual two-way radio intercom devices. These devices are usually given to employees who are assigned to inspect and repair damaged wiring or electrical producing equipment. Some of the features of newer two-way radio systems include an extended communication range and enhanced wireless performance. These devices come in both a commercial wired or wireless format, and are generally priced between two hundred and four hundred dollars. This seemingly large variation in price is based upon any added options or features.

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